Comments For Entry #22

Welcome to December!(Comments RSS)

November is finally over. I repeat: November is finally over!

It seemed like the month that would never end. Between school, Thanksgiving (which I didn't even get to spend with my family this year), roofers, contractors, being sick *twice* and still not having a bedroom since the storm, it's finally over. Thank God.

I just have a few finals to take, and then I'm off to Orlando! After that, back to NJ to spend time with family for Christmas and New Years, which I'm very much looking forward to. Elly was supposed to go to Florida with me, but she just got a new job and will unfortunately have to miss it .

December is going to be a busy month. I wanted to do some cleaning up of this site (it's a mess behind the scenes. There's code all over the place), but I may have to wait until the new year. That being said, I'm looking forward to this month. I sure hope it's a good one!


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