Comments For Entry #30

Hungry Man's Mexican Disaster(Comments RSS)

Let me start off by saying Happy April! I can't believe it's already spring, not that I'm complaining .

Tonight I tried one of the worst TV dinners I've ever eaten: The Hungry Man "Mexican-style Fiesta". The best way I can describe the taste of it, is ground-up, regurgitated stuff.The enchiladas or whatever they were, tasted the same as the rice in the same section, which had kind of a sour taste and nothing else. The texture was pretty mushy and slimy. The refried beans had a similar texture and didn't have much flavor. I barely ate either of them. As for the dessert, I didn't even bother. My appetite was ruined, and the coconut pudding sound or even look good (though I don't like coconut stuff, anyway).

My local Bi-Lo had a "buy one, get one free" sale on Hungry Man dinners; specifically these dinners and the Country Fried Chicken ones. I got one of each, since I hadn't tasted either. Boy, I sure hope the Country Fried Chicken dinners taste better than this last one did. I knew there had to be a reason they were on sale...

Picture of the horror

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