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Sep 16, 2016

Happy September, everyone! I can't believe I'm already saying that. It seems like summer just started.

Just today I got something that I've been wanting to get for a long time. Introducing the Sony D-5 Compact Disc Compact Player!

Sony D-5 Image

First released in 1984 at $350, the Sony D-5 (D-50 in international markets) was the world's first portable CD player.

Sony D-5 Image

As a fan of vintage audio stuff and a Sony collector, I had to have one of these. The sound isn't anything special, though it does sound lightyears better than the cheap portable disc players in stores today.

I'll probably keep this unit on my desk for when I want to listen to CDs through headphones while I'm working on things.

Aug 30, 2016

Ahh, what a nice day. I think it may have sprinkled a bit, but otherwise it's sunny and a perfect 82 degrees. I'm just sitting outside at Ogeechee Tech, pondering my thoughts for the day and enjoying the weather.

Ogeechee Tech Outside

I can't believe it's almost September already! I am NOT looking forward to winter. At least I'll be down south for most of it and have a trip to Disney to look forward to in mid-December.

I have a new laptop coming soon. As much as I like my current ThinkPad T42, I needed something a bit more powerful so I could run Office 2013 for school. I also have a new commercial-grade VHS deck too with Dolby noise reduction, adjustable tracking, and more. Should come in handy for transferring some old VHS tapes to DVD. It needs a bit of work but I think I can get it going again. I know it needs a new bulb behind some VU meters and I think some of the old lubricant dried out as it won't pull the tapes in the machine anymore (it gets most of the way inside but then gets stuck). Pics and updates to come as soon as I have the time to work on it.

Finally, I have something I've wanted for a long time on its way. I won't reveal what it is yet, but I'll be sure to post about it when it gets here!


Nick (nick99nack)

Aug 29, 2016

There are some changes coming soon. New content, some design changes (moving away from the Slingo theme) and more!

Aug 12, 2016

Ahh the things you hear and see when you're boarding an airplane. I had to reschedule my flight yesterday because I would've missed my connection in Atlanta and have to sleep in the airport overnight. But anyway... I overheard a couple ladies talking behind me in the line to get on the airplane. Apparently one of them met their boyfriend online a couple years ago and this is only the second time they're seeing each other in person. And it seems that whenever they talk, she always has to be the one to initiate things... Sounds to me like she takes a back seat to whatever else he has going on at the time. And he has a shoe fetish... Man, the people you meet online lol. Oh, finally the Delta website loaded after about 10 minutes of it just sitting there. And now it's snack time! I'll pick this up once I'm done eating.

*Five minutes later*

The peanut packs have gotten smaller. I ate those in about 30 seconds. The only reason it took me as long as it did was because I had some Pringles saved from yesterday.

Ah well, I won't bore you any further with my ramblings. I don't remember what the original point of my post was. But, here's a picture of me and some guy who fell asleep behind me on the airplane the first night after we were on board the plane for about 15 minutes. His snoring sounded like Darth Vader.

Oh, and I'll be posting comparisons of the 1987 and 2009 Beatles CDs, so be sure to check that out if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Jun 12, 2016

So, what's changed since I last posted here in February? Not a whole lot. In my attempt to take over the Internet, I joined Instagram (@nick99nack), and I made my first post on Twitter (also @nick99nack). I also joined imood and plan to post updates on that site every so often too.

***Site Updates***

There's probably not much here that most people would notice. Most of the updates come in the form of some style tweaks in order to make the site backwards-compatible with older browsers. Users of modern browsers actually shouldn't notice a difference at all.

Things you might have noticed:

  • The imood indicator under my picture

  • The Yahoo! Messenger indicator

  • The AOL Instant Messenger indicator

  • The imood status page

So really, it's just the indicators. The rest of the updates were just some code changes that made the site compatible with a wider range of browsers and devices. Adding backwards-compatibility to the site made the code a lot more robust, and it finally fixed the problem I was having with the page being cut in half on mobile devices. This site is now backwards-compatible with:

  • Netscape 6.x and up

  • Internet Explorer 5 and up

And... that's about it. Hopefully I'll get around to posting here more often, as long as I don't get too overwhelmed with schoolwork.

Good luck.

--Nick Higgins